Renew or Update Your Licence

Find out how to renew, update or cancel your licence with PrimeSafe.


  • PrimeSafe licences are valid for a fixed time period regardless of the date of issue.
  • To keep your licence current, you must renew your licence by the due date every year. You can’t operate if your licence is not current.
  • You need to keep your licence details up to date with PrimeSafe. Update you licence as soon as your details change.
  • If your business, operations or facility changes, you have to update or cancel your licence as soon as possible.

Renew your licence

You must renew your PrimeSafe licence each year. PrimeSafe will send you an email and/or text message to your mobile when the renewal is due.

If you fail to renew your licence by the due date, you may have to pay an application fee on top of the annual renewal fee.

Significant penalties can apply if you operate without a licence. These fines are set by law.

Renew your licence using our PrimeSafe Licensee Portal.

Licence periods

Each licence has a ‘licence period’. You renew your licence before the end date of the licence period.

Check the tables to see the licence period for your licence.

Meat and Poultry licence periods

Licence CategoryLicence Period
Further Meat Processing Facility
Prime Tallow Processing Facility
Game Meat Processing Facility
Inedible Rendering Facility
Pet Meat Processing Facility
Pet Food Establishment
Poultry Processing Facility
1 July – 30 June
Retail Butcher Shop1 January – 31 December

Seafood Processing Facility licence periods

Licence CategoryLicence Period
1 July – 30 June
Further Processor
Retailer (Vehicle/Boat)
1 January – 31 December

Meat and Seafood Transport Vehicle (MTV) licence periods

Licence CategoryLicence Period
Meat Transport Vehicle1 July – 30 June

Approvals and Registrations periods

Approval / Registration categoryPeriod
Game Meat Field Harvester Approval1 July – 30 June
Meat Inspector Registration1 July – 30 June (3 years)

Renewing Meat and Seafood Transport Vehicles 

Renewal for Meat and Seafood Transport Vehicles is completed through the PrimeSafe Licensee Portal.

Simply log into the portal, follow the renewal instructions, and submit payment by the due date.

Processing your renewal application

Your application will be processed when we receive and verify your payment. It can take longer for payments made by cheque or cash.

When we receive your payment we will assess your renewal application within 2 – 7 business days.

We cannot process your renewal application if:

  • you have not provided all the information we require in your application
  • we have not received payment.