Game Meat Processing Facility Licences

Everything you need to know about Game Processing Facility, Field Depot and Harvest Vehicle licenses and a Field Harvester approval.


  • The law requires that you are approved by PrimeSafe to harvest game animals for sale.
  • The law also requires that you have a licence to transport, store, process and sell game meat for human consumption or pet food.
  • There are four different game licenses. You might need more than one game licence or approval if you conduct more than one activity in the supply chain. You apply for each of the licenses or approval that cover the activities that you want to undertake.

What Game Meat approval or licence to get

Get a Game Meat Field Harvester approval to harvest and sell game. You don’t need this approval to harvest kangaroo.

Get a Game Meat Processing Facility (harvest vehicle) licence to:

  • use a vehicle to field harvest wild game animals to sell
  • transport wild game animal carcasses to a game meat processing facility (premises)
  • transport wild game animal carcasses to a game meat processing facility (field depot)
  • transport wild game animal carcasses to a pet meat processing facility

Get a Game Meat Processing Facility (field depot) licence to store wild game animal carcasses under refrigeration (in a vehicle or at a premises) for a short time before transporting to a game meat processing facility or to a pet meat processing facility.

A field depot can include the meat carrying compartment of a vehicle used to transport wild game animal carcasses under refrigeration to a game meat processing facility (premises) or pet meat processing facility.

Get a Game Meat Processing facility (premises) licence if you want to:

  • process game meat and/or game meat products for human consumption
  • package game meat and/or game meat products for human consumption
  • retail game meat products
  • wholesale game meat products.

PrimeSafe issues these licenses under the Meat Industry Act 1993. You may need more than one licence.

Abattoirs, further meat processing facilities and poultry processing facilities can also get a Game Meat Processing Facility (premises) licence if:

  • the facility meets the construction and equipment requirements,
  • no game meat processing occurs during the processing of non-game meat, and 
  • all processing equipment is fully cleaned and sanitised before processing non-game animals.

Standards and guidelines that apply

Australian Standard for the Production of Wild Game Meat

Use this standard to process, store and transport wild game meat for human consumption.

Wild Game Meat Harvesting PrimeSafe Technical Guideline

This technical guideline applies to the harvesting of game meat such as wild deer, kangaroo, rabbit, pig and goat for human consumption and pet food.